Wednesday, August 6, 2014

We Have a Referral and It's a...


Many of you are probably wondering how we feel about having another boy...we are excited! For one thing, having a boy is easier to us since we already have two. We've been praying since the beginning of our journey that we would receive the perfect match for our family and we truly feel that he is.  So, how is this referral different from the last one? This referral came to us from the Inter-Country Adoption Board, so once we accepted, then he is waiting for approval from ICAB since they picked him for us. Is he DEFINITELY ours this time? They say that they are never yours until you are in country with them in your arms...but we believe this is in God's hands and that he sent us this referral. We will continue to pray daily for this process and would appreciate your prayers as well.

It normally takes about 6 months from acceptance to travel time so we hope to pick him up no later than mid-January 2015. Of course we are hoping to get him before then but know we need to be patient and wait on God's timing and not our own. With all the paperwork and "red tape" only He can move the process along faster...there is nothing that we can do to change it. On that note, for those who might be keeping track, we received a referral in just 11 months and not the estimated 18 months!!

I have been pretty much buried in paperwork since we accepted the referral and am just now starting to see the light again. I have to admit that I love it though because I feel like I'm actually doing something to bring him home. Our Acceptance Packet was mailed to the Philippines on Friday, August 1st and we have 1st drafts for our I-800, I-864, and I-864a completed. I also just put in an order for my fall scarf material! The fall craft fair has by far been my most successful fundraiser. I will soon be busy sewing, and sewing, and sewing, and...sewing. :)

I thought it might be fun to have everyone guess what we are going to name him. I'll give you a starts with a "C"! You can comment below or on the post on Facebook. The first person to get it correct will win one of my scarves! Sorry family you can't play...if you already know his name, we consider you family so you don't count either!

We won't be posting any pictures of him until we do have him in our arms so if you want to see him you'll have to see a picture in person from us or our family. He was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate and actually has had both repaired in the Philippines by Smile Train. I've always loved what Smile Train does and I think it is pretty amazing to have a personal connection with them now. They have helped to create one of the cutest smiles you'll ever lay eyes on. He will likely need additional surgeries after we bring him home and once he's done growing. He just turned 18 months old at the end of July and is progressing and hitting milestones.

I hope to have more frequent updates from now until we travel. Thank you all again for continuing to follow our journey and keep us in your thoughts and prayers.