Friday, December 28, 2012

You Can Check Off That Box!

It was a very successful day on the adoption front! This morning we were able to get our fingerprinting done at the state patrol office. Let me just tell you how amazing technology is if you didn't already know. I was thinking we were going to go into the office and they would stick our fingers on an ink pad and then on the sir...everything is done on the computer now. I don't know why that surprises me but it does. Then they just print our fingerprints right on the form. They look like the good ole fashion fingerprints when printed off but we didn't have to get all messy. It took about 5 minutes and we were done! We went straight to FedEx and mailed them to Lincoln where they will be run through the FBI database. Maybe I'm so surprised that it's done on computer since they had to be printed and mailed...if its all done on the computer why can't they just run them right there?

Anyway, after that we were off to the doctor's office where we had our physical exams and had blood drawn for our HIV tests. We also had to have TB tests...which is another thing I knew nothing about. So, they take tuberculin and inject it under your skin. It looks like you have a bug under your skin for the first little while. It's kind of creepy looking if you ask me! We go back on Monday to have them read the test...they will look at our arm and if the bump is still there and red then we have TB. If its pretty much clear then we are good to go!

Lastly, we were able to send in our in "Personal Information Data Forms" today, which are 22 page questionnaires that we had to each fill out. They ask you how you feel about your parents, the way you were raised, how you are raising your children, how your marriage is, what you think about the birth parents of the child you will adopt, and just about everything under the sun. But, ours are finished and we are making progress!

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